Thursday, April 22, 2021

"Can you channel this for me this little thing?"

Often people don't realize how channeling works. At times the answer is really simple on yes or no. Yet at times a question of "should I take this job" isn't short to answer. You see, when a question is asked, there can be complex issues going on and it isn't a matter of whether you should or shouldn't take the job to make money, but what lies ahead of that and beyond the issue. Taking the job offer may mean that there will be issues with your boss, your family and other unknown factors.

I channel the information and the yes or no question that can take 5 minutes to get, can turn into days of work. It is the matter of whether the Other Side wants to provide the answer as well. At times it is possible to get "Sorry you have no business in channeling this" , and then I can't help you, as this isn't something I am to work with. Some Souls don't want to talk at all and thus you end up not hearing anything from them. Some just aren't allowed to talk for whatever reason.

How do you function with daily life having your gifts? Don't you get distracted?

People who believe in my abilities, often ask me a multitude of questions. One of them is "How do you function with all these things coming at you and all this information you know about others and events?"

Well, it isn't easy, I'll tell you that much. It is up to me to decide if I should find out more on the topic or block out the information. When I am aware of something hanging around, I also have to see if I am to talk to it or ask it to go away. Often enough, if it comes back, I will tell it a time to come back, or take the information when they are there.

In the question lies the answer.

I am sure a lot of people wonder if readings are a general information. Well, no they shouldn't be but they can be. What am I talking about?

Within the question lies the answer. That sounds a bit odd doesn't it?  Imagine this, you walk into a home improvement store such as Home Depot and say " I need help with my home". Now don't you think the question will be asked "well what do you need?" Of course if you walk in and have paint all over your clothes and hands, people might ask if you need more paint or brushes. But if you walk in and say "I need to change my lamp in the house", you are being more specific, but still , the workers won't know what you need. They will ask you if you need wires, a lamp, or electrical tape. They might even ask you for which room or the size of the lamp you are looking for. At that point, you might even be asked what type of bulb you want in there. So you see where this is going?

Yes a psychic/medium/channeler/intuitive can help you, but even knowing things about you, they will need a bit more information as to what you are looking for exactly.  I have had cases where all I needed was a name and the living place of the person and I could get the information from the Spirit World, on everything that is going on in the client's life. However, there are times I still needed to know what the client is looking to solve.

You're a medium right? Don't cemeteries bother you?

People always ask me questions when they find out what I do. When they find out I talk to "ghosts", I get the cemetery question. I enjoy explaining this one.

 I don't see the entities the way I see people. I see them telepathically, through thought in my mind like a movie, or a clip, or an image. I don't think I have ever seen them with my eyes. I don't see them everywhere. The only time I do know they are around, is when it is most utterly important. I find cemeteries very calming. Why you may ask? Because nothing there is approaching me. Not a Soul, except of course the one I am visiting at the grave, and only when they want me to know of their presence. Think of it this way, just because you are a lawyer, doesn't mean everyone on the street is going to approach you and ask legal advice on your case.

And on a slightly different topic. Not everything is around you is a ghost.  Some are Angels, some are Souls, while others are Souls trapped in this realm on earth. I have communicated with Angels, the Divine, Archangels, deities, fairies, as well as channeled deceased and living. What can't I channel, I don't know, but I only communicate with that which I am meant to.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Can I read your mind?

One of my abilities is telepathy. Telepathy, as in reading thoughts. People, when find out I do that, have a few reactions.
  1.  They either don't believe it and think I am joking.
  2. Look curiously and  then get all worried.
  3. Get happy and start asking me what is on their mind.
  4. Look at me and say "This is Devil's work, I learned in my Bible"
Now that is normal, because there are a lot of different people who believe different things about the same issue. What is telepathy? Google defines it as - the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.

So ESP - Extrasensory Perception. Okay enough with the terminology. The way I view telepathy on the scientific level , we have energy in our body that gets emitted via electromagnetic impulses, that are emitted by our brain.

To address the fear that some of you may have. I do not walk around reading everyone's thoughts. There is such a thing called "psychic privacy". I do not know what you are thinking, nor do I want to. So those of you who believe in this, please don't worry about such stuff. I also won't be answering your "what am I thinking?" If you want help just schedule a session with me. That's how it works :) 

On the Soul/Spiritual level, it is when two Souls communicate with each other in only one direction or between each other back and forth. That means that lets say my Soul talks to my friend's Soul. There are two things that are possible, I am only receiving information from the Soul and know it. Two, I am receiving the information and sending back a reply to the Soul, and the corporeal body reacts.

What do I mean? I have had cases, where I know what someone is thinking and that's it. That is what you would call one way communication. There were quite a few controlled times, where I had a two way communication. I communicated a message and it was reiterated with the action of the person either someone I knew and at times I didn't know.  An example would be where I had "talked" to a friend's spouse after they just had a fight, asking him what is the matter and then telling him that his wife is great and to please act nicer to her. Fifteen minutes later, was a complete 360 turn around, which isn't exactly his nature. Yes I used telepathy. Obviously we have free will , so it wasn't like I was controlling the person, I was only suggesting.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Abilities? What abilities?

Here is another question people seem to ask me. "How do you know you have abilities? What makes you think you can do this? " I know I have abilities because I was born with them. Just like others, in my "field", I always felt like dreaming of the future, or seeing the dead in my dreams was a normal thing. Well, it turned out that it wasn't. Not everyone knew what was about to happen, or know what someone else is thinking. I could bring you many examples of this, but then it will turn into a book, not a post, so I"ll leave that part for a lecture or a book, a bit later :) .

I had many adventures, some of which I am still having and will continue on having. In the past few years I have been professionally trained, and continue to be guided, to organize and use my abilities in a way that is the most helpful to me. I started to recognize who it is I am talking to, why, when do they come, how do I trigger them to?  All these unanswered questions started to come through. I can use my abilities to help others, as well as myself. Myself, means not to "win the lottery" . No that's not how it works. I am sent to people at the time they need me the most, so I can help them or deliver a message that they need to hear at that point in time. When I have a session, that's what happens. You will only get to hear what you need to hear, and not necessarily what you want to hear.

 I also use my abilities/G-D given gifts, in my own daily guidance. I use it to find out what my next step is, who is the best person, and/or what place to turn to when in need.  I must admit I do have fun with it at times, as with abilities come things like astral and mental projection (that's for another post). But I do take my work very seriously.

These abilities, are G-D given, and I believe in HIM. Having my faith strong is what makes my abilities/gifts, stronger, and the ability to help others in my life. So no, I am not nuts, disillusioned. I have solid proof from those around me, who I have helped. Yes I live in my own world, but it isn't only mine, it is also yours, you just probably haven't noticed it yet. If you have, Welcome, it is nice to meet you :)  . Please join the river of knowledge and heart and love. "We the Angels welcome you."  (that last phrase was channeled for those of you reading this).

I am not here to convince you, but only to open your mind.
May your day be filled with Love and Peace, Shalom

"How do you know you are right?"

People often ask me, "How do you know you are right?" Well, that is a good question. How do I know that I am right? The thing is, I am not the one right or wrong. What happens when I channel, I am getting the information from the Spirit World, the Other Side. It isn't really me who is giving you advice. It is the Other Side, the Angels, the Souls, other entities, or Divine. In fact the Other Side would really like me to call them the Spirit World, but that is just for me specifically. What happens when I get the information from the Spirit World, I interpret it. In order to interpret it, I, or any other psychic or medium, will use their experience to interpret the information.

What happens if I have no idea of how to interpret or understand what is being said. I will first give the client the information and ask if they understand what it means. If the client doesn't understand the information, I will go back and ask a more detailed question from the same source, and if not given a deeper meaning, I will ask the Divine to help me understand and explain. At times, it can take hours or days, to find out the root of the problem or information being sent to me. At other times, it is just a word that sounds like another and replacing it will make more sense. If that is the case, then I will replace the word and meaning in question and rechannel the question/meaning.

Am I right or wrong? I am not here to convince you, only to help you. Thank you for reading my article.
May your day be filled with Love and Peace, Shalom